讲座时间Date/Time:2021年6月24日(星期四)19:00 – 21:00;
讲座地点 Venue:腾讯会议: 341 532 640; 密码:666999;
主讲人 Speaker:谢建媚 博士(广东技术师范大学外国语学院/SFL, GPNU)
讲座题目 Seminar title: 外语教育研究中的焦点小组研究方法 (Focus Groups Method in Language Education Research)
讲座摘要 Seminar topic:
讲座主要介绍一种研究方法:焦点小组 (Focus Groups/FG)。通过回顾我学习和使用这种研究方法的经历,介绍在外语教育研究(或教育研究)中使用“焦点小组”的实例。讲座分别从方法论、学术伦理道德、文化等几个角度探讨“焦点小组”研究方法,力求从理论和实践的层面,为研究生、教师、研究者提供有用的信息。
In this seminar I will introduce a research method – Focus Groups (focus group discussion). I will, based on my learning and using of this method, show some examples of how to organize and use it, and particularly, in the field of language education research. I will also discuss this research method from various angles: research methodology, research ethics and culture, which will be of use to postgraduate students, academics and researchers.
2002年开始任教于广东外语外贸大学。2009年获得英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter) 全额博士奖学金,2013年博士毕业后留英任教。曾在华南师范大学、西交利物浦大学等高校从事教师与研究生科研培训、外语教学与研究。
研究兴趣: 外语教育研究的质量、外语教师教育与发展、行动研究、跨文化交际、质性研究方法、师徒制、现象学。
Speaker Bio
Jianmei Xie (谢建媚), Senior Fellow HEA (UK), has a PhD in Teacher Education (University of Exeter, UK; full PhD research scholarship). Trained as a qualified English-language teacher in China, Jianmei currently is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Foreign Languages, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University. She has been working in the field of Second Language Education since 2002, and has worked at various universities in China and the UK, including Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, South China Normal University and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.
Courses taught: Action Research in ELT, Second Language Acquisition, Intercultural Communication, Introduction to Novice English Teacher Development, etc.
Research interests: quality of language education research, teacher education and development, intercultural communication, action research, mentoring, and phenomenology.