






[1] Feifei Liu, & Susan Hood. 2019. Rhetorical strategies of political persuasion: The play of irrealis and realis meaning in re/aligning readers in newspaper editorials. Text & Talk (SSCI, A&HCI). 39(5): 589-613.

[2] 刘飞飞,常晨光,张坤坤. 2019. 亲和关系视角下中国媒体评论中政治话语修辞研究——以“社会主义核心价值观”为例. 山东外语教学. 40(4): 35-46.

[3] Xiaochen Hua, Guangwei Hu, & Feifei Liu. 2021. The cultural representation of Chinese-speaking groups in US-produced Chinese as a foreign language textbooks. Asia Pacific Journal of Education (SSCI). 1-18.

[4] Feifei Liu, & Chenguang Chang. 2021. Constructing a national identity in media editorials to promote affiliation with an international readership. 2021. Discourse, Context & Media (SSCI). (43): 1-10.

[5] 刘飞飞, 常晨光. (2022). 报纸社论中作者-潜在受众联合关系话语建构策略——系统功能语言学个性化视角.北京科技大学学报(社会科学版). 38(01): 44-50.

[6] Feifei Liu, Zhanting Bu, Xiaochen Hua. (2022) Review of Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic functional linguistics and legitimation code theory. System (SSCI). 106: 1-3.

[7] Feifei Liu. 2023. book review: interpersonal grammar: Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory and Description. Discourse Studies (SSCI). 1:146-147.

[8] 徐玲、曾娟、刘飞飞. 2024. 数智时代外语教学模式的融合与创新——现状分析与路径探讨。外国语文,20243):177-184.



[1] 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划羊城青年学人课题,“功能语言学视角下中国媒体评论中“一带一路”话语研究”,已结项。

[2] 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目,中国外宣媒体中“中国声音”传播模式研究,在研。

[3] 广东省哲学社会科学规划2023年度学科共建项目,粤港澳大湾区文化融合的路径研究 2万,在研。


联系方式 liufeifei86@hotmail.com


版权所有:广东技术师范大学外国语学院    地址:广州市白云区江高镇环镇西路155号

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